
Pathway Program

English + Mathematics

A unique learning formula to kickstart a successful journey
in an international hospitality degree

About the Program

DTC’s Pathway Program provides learning bridge to prepare learners for university life focusing on interactive, immersive, fun, and engaging student-centered learning, giving them a taste of the hospitality world.

This program has been designed to help students transition from high school into higher education, in Thailand or abroad. Students entering the Pathway program work towards meeting the entrance requirements for DTC’s BBA in Professional Culinary Arts or Hospitality Management.

Pathway Gallery

DTC Pathway Student Testimonials

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For more information

Please contact Admission Department, Dusit Thani College
Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30-17.30 hrs. (except public holidays)
Email: marketing@dtc.ac.th | Phone : +662-721-8471-2

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