Dusit Thani College, a leading private higher education in hospitality industry led by Dr. Atthawet Prougestaporn (the 2nd from the left) – Vice Rector for Academic and Faculty Affairs, together with the college’s management team gave a warm welcome to the director of FlowAccount Co., Ltd., a leader in online accounting software development and digital services led by Co-founder Mr. Kridsada Chutinaton (the 2nd from the right), on the occasion of signing a “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)”.

The objectives of this MOU are to collaborate and reinforce the development of the college students through learning and practices with FlowAccount software that enhance academic and professional training. There are also knowledge exchanges between staff in academic proficiency and with guest speakers for practical usage, course development beyond standards, academic service initiations, short courses, seminars for vocational accounting and digital and technology businesses with FlowAccount software and other sciences. Last but not least, there are also research collaborations that form bodies of knowledge which benefit both signers.