Energy issue is currently a macro-challenge that every country is looking for solutions together. However, every macro-challenge always comes from issues at a micro level. Therefore, this issue needs to be handled at an upstream point, at a micro level.
Just like Dusit Thani College that is dedicated to developing itself into a green college, the institution has been campaigning in instructors, staff, and students for using energy correctly, efficiently, and wisely. That is because energy management measures aren’t meant to force spending the least energy, but to encourage to use it appropriately and match the neccesity.
Recently, Energy Management Committee, Dusit Thani College, has arranged an operational workshop “Let’s save energy” at Srinakarin Hall and was honored by Mr. Pisitsri Boonchuvit, Energy Management System Expert, to be a trainer. Mr. Pisitsri pointed out that most of the people know many methods to save energy, but they don’t know how to start. This workshop, therefore, was an introduction to various energy saving ideas such as understanding and identifying the sources of expense in electricity bills and controlling them to save more energy and money in the next month.
The workshop was not only packed with knowledge about energy management, but also a bunch of fun activities as tools to instill information that awakes the participants to the awareness of appropriate energy usage. This event does not only stimulate the college members to understand and be conscious of energy saving, but also follows the regulations and conditions of Energy Conservation Promotion Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) (Revised Edition B.E. 2550 (2007)), especially on energy saving trainings and activities.
Dusit Thani College hopes that this micro-level initiative as college members will create ripples of energy saving in a macro level as global citizens in the future.