
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answer : We only have Master’s degree for Business Administration which is divided into 2 concentrations, Hospitality Business Management and Innovative Entrepreneur.

Answer : It takes 1.5 years or 5 semesters to finish the program.

Answer : The learning structure of Master’s degree program is a block course, which means studying each subject for 5 consecutive weeks. The program takes place on Saturdays, from 9.00-16.30 hrs.

Answer : The MBA program at Dusit Thani College is open for all who earn Bachelor’s degree from any field.

Answer :  The program has been established since 2005.

Answer : This concentration best suits those who are interested or working in all ranges of hospitality business, including hotels, tourism, restaurants, spas, fitness centers, and other related units, with no limitation to the level of operation.

Answer :  This concentration best suits those who need more knowledge of science, innovation, and latest trends for the development of their existing and future businesses.

Answer :  They are experts and honored lecturers who have great experience in their field. For more information, click   รวมถึง อาจารย์พิเศษจากหน่วยงานพันธมิตร เช่น อาจารย์จากสำนักงานนวัตกรรมแห่งชาติ ที่จะมาสอนในส่วนของกลุ่มวิชา ผู้ประกอบการเชิงนวัตกรรม ซึ่งมีบางวิชาเลือกที่วิทยาลัยได้เรียนเชิญผู้เชี่ยวชาญในกลุ่มวิชานั้นๆมาสอน หรือ บางวิชามีการเชิญ Guest specker ในสายธุรกิจมาแบ่งปันความรู้https://dtc.ac.th/mba-hospitality-business-management/lecturers/. As of the collaboration with National Innovation Agency (NIA), skilled lecturers from the agency will be invited to give exclusive knowledge for Innovative Entrepreneur students. Guest speakers from Dusit Thani Group and other leading companies will be accompanied in subjects.

Answer : The eligible candidates are those who earn Bachelor’s degree from any field or are studying the 4th year of Bachelor’s degree in any institute. For studying candidates, they must collect at least 2/3 of credits requested from their curriculum.

Answer :  PRE-MBA program is an opportunity for Dusit Thani College students who are studying the 3rd or 4th year to study MBA during thier Bachelor program. This program is open for both students in regular and experience-based credit transfer program under these conditions:  

  • The students must collect at least 2/3 of credits requested from their curriculum   
  • The students must continue studying Master program for at least a year after graduating Bachelor program  
  • The students must have GPAX at 2.5 or more 

The students from other institutes are also eligible for this opportunity, called advanced Master, under the same conditions.

For more information

Please contact Admission Department, Dusit Thani College
Working hours: Monday-Friday, 8.30-17.30 hrs. (except public holidays)
Email: marketing@dtc.ac.th | Phone : +662-721-8471-2

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