About Dusit Thani College

Thailand's first higher education institution since 1993
educating hospitality and culinary professionals.

Company Structure

Khunying Kasama
Varavarn Na Ayudhya


As a former Permanent Secretary of State to the Thailand Ministry of Education, Dr. Khunying Kasama Varavarn Na Ayudhya was one of the key figures responsible for education reform in Thailand over the past decades. Sheworked in the Ministry of Education in Thailand for more than 25 years, during which she held a range of senior administrative positions including Director General of the Department of Non – formal Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of General Education; Secretary General of the Office of Primary Education Commission and the Office of Basic Education; and Permanent Secretary of State for Education.

After retirement from civil servants’ services in 2009, she remains actively involved in promoting educational reform in Thailand as a consultant and advisor to various prominent institutions in Thailand.

She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Social Relations and master’s degree in Business from Harvard University. She also holds a Ph.D. in Educational Planning from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

As a former Permanent Secretary of State to the Thailand Ministry of Education, Dr. Khunying Kasama Varavarn Na Ayudhya was one of the key figures responsible for education reform in Thailand over the past decades. Sheworked in the Ministry of Education in Thailand for more than 25 years, during which she held a range of senior administrative positions including Director General of the Department of Non – formal Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of General Education; Secretary General of the Office of Primary Education Commission and the Office of Basic Education; and Permanent Secretary of State for Education.

After retirement from civil servants’ services in 2009, she remains actively involved in promoting educational reform in Thailand as a consultant and advisor to various prominent institutions in Thailand.

She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Social Relations and master’s degree in Business from Harvard University. She also holds a Ph.D. in Educational Planning from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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Mr. Chanin Donavanik
Vice Chairperson

Widely-known in Hospitality business, Mr. Chanin held many positions in the business including CEO and MD of Dusit Thani Pub Co., Ltd, President of Thai Hotels Association (THA) and Asean Hotels and Restaurant Association (AHRA), Chairman of the Board of Management of Kempinski AG, Chairman of Philippine Hoteliers International Center for Hospitality Education, Inc., Independent Director of Kasikornbank Pub Co., Ltd, director of MBK Pub Co., Ltd, among many other posts. He is also the Head of Private Sector Team – Tourism and MICE Promotion Working Group under The Public-Private Steering Committee. He also served as the Chairman of the Tourism and Service Business Committee, Thai Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Chanin, an MBA graduate from Boston University, is currently working as a Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dusit International to continues to oversee the hotel company built by his mother, Thanpuying Chanut Piyaoui. He is a veteran hotelier, who has reshaped the Dusit Group into a hotel management company with interests around the world.

Widely-known in Hospitality business, Mr. Chanin held many positions in the business including CEO and MD of Dusit Thani Pub Co., Ltd, President of Thai Hotels Association (THA) and Asean Hotels and Restaurant Association (AHRA), Chairman of the Board of Management of Kempinski AG, Chairman of Philippine Hoteliers International Center for Hospitality Education, Inc., Independent Director of Kasikornbank Pub Co., Ltd, director of MBK Pub Co., Ltd, among many other posts. He is also the Head of Private Sector Team – Tourism and MICE Promotion Working Group under The Public-Private Steering Committee. He also served as the Chairman of the Tourism and Service Business Committee, Thai Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Chanin, an MBA graduate from Boston University, is currently working as a Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dusit International to continues to oversee the hotel company built by his mother, Thanpuying Chanut Piyaoui. He is a veteran hotelier, who has reshaped the Dusit Group into a hotel management company with interests around the world.

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International & National Recognized


Ms. Suphajee Suthumpun Group Chief Executive Officer of Dusit International

Ms. Suphajee Suthumpun Group Chief Executive Officer of Dusit International

She has a wide range of experience and had worked with a lot of forefront companies in various positions such as Independent Director of Kasikornbank Pub Co., Ltd, Adviser to the CEO of Thaicom Pub Co., Ltd., Director of TC Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Director and CEO of Thaicom Pub Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Shenington Investments Pte, Director of CS LoxInfo Pub Co., Ltd, General Manager of Global Technology Services, IBM ASEAN, Director of Nok Airlines Pub Co., Ltd, and Group CEO of Dusit Thani Pub Co., Ltd. She is also an Honorary Member of Thammasat University Council, and Navamindradhiraj University Council. 

She holds an MBA in International Finance and Accounting from Northrop University and a BA in Sociology and Anthropology from Thammasat University. 

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Mr. Pradech Phayakvichien Former Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Mr. Pradech Phayakvichien Former Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Mr. Pradech is the Advisor and former Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). He used to serve as Acting Rector of Silpakorn University, Director of TAT Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific; Director of TAT Central Europe, Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany; a resource person in tourism sector for World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); and used to sit in the Program and Budget Committee of UNWTO as a representative of Ministry of Tourism and Sports. He was also a member of the National Legislative Assembly. 

Currently, he is a Chairman of Senator Advisory Committee for committee for the Study of Policy and the Restructuring of Tourism Industry; an Advisor for Senate Tourism Committee and the President of Community Based Tourism Institute (CBT- I); and the President of the Silpakorn University Council. 

He holds a master’s degree in Urban Design from Pratt institute, New York and a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Silpakorn University, Bangkok. 

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Emeritus Professor Dr. Sophon Roengsumran Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University

Emeritus Professor Dr. Sophon Roengsumran Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University

Emeritus Professor Dr. Sophon has been teaching in Chemistry Department of Chulalongkorn University since 1971. Not only is he a lecturer, he also held various important positions such as the Director of Technology Clinique of Chulalongkorn University; a member of subcommittee of Petroleum Institute of Thailand; a member of Academic Review Committee of Kasetsart University and Office of the Higher Education Commission; and the Deputy Director of Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute of Chulalongkorn University. 


He was granted awards concerning his areas of expertise such as Research Awards from National Research Council of Thailand, Title: The Invention of a Process for the Purification of Plaunotol, an Anti-Ulser Substance from Croton Sublyratus (Year 1994) & The Isolation of Chemical Constituents of Thai Medicinal Herb, Stemonacetal Stemonal and Stemonone (Year 1974) and the PTIT Award from Petroleum Institute of Thailand (Year 2003 & 2004). 

 He graduated in B.Sc degree in Chemistry and M.Sc degree in Organic Chemistry from Chulalongkorn University and he also completed Ph.D. of Organic Chemistry from University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. 

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Dr. Pollasanha Positong Former Secretary General of Office of Rajabhat University Council

Dr. Pollasanha Positong Former Secretary General of Office of Rajabhat University Council

Dr. Pollasanha was an instructor teaching Chemistry in Rajabhat Kanchanaburi University and he later was appointed to rector of the college. He used to work in important positions such as Secretary General of Office of Rajabhat University Council, Director of Department of Enhancing Academic Teachers Department (Ministry of Education), Director of Teacher Training Development Office (Ministry of Education), and Deputy Secretary of Higher Education Committee. He is also a knowledgeable person in the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Committee. 

 He graduated in B.Ed degree in Chemistry from Burapha University, M.Sc degree in Biochemistry from Chulalongkorn University; and Ed.D. in Chemistry from Indiana University, USA. He also holds an Honorary Ph.D in Education Management from Rajabhat Thonburi University; an Honorary Ph.D in Development Strategy from Rajabhat Phetchabun University; and an Honorary Ph.D in Science Education from Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. 

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Dr. Pisarn Soydhurum Science Education Consultant, and Director of Center for the Promotion of Thai Cuisine, Dusit Thani College

Dr. Pisarn Soydhurum Science Education Consultant, and Director of Center for the Promotion of Thai Cuisine, Dusit Thani College

Dr. Pisarn used to work in important positions such as Chief of Planning and Development Section (IPST, Thailand); Vice Rector of Planning, Academic and Foreign Affairs, Dusit Thani College; and President of Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (Thailand). He also worked as a Senior Specialist at Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, the first specialised science school in Thailand. He used to work as an UNESCO/UNDP Consultant in Science Education, Indonesia; Assistant Director (Research) SEAMEO-RECSAM, Malaysia; ADB Curriculum Development Consultant, Science Education Project, Pakistan; and he has been working as aScience Education Consultant since 1994. 

 Dr.Pisarn holds a Diploma in Education; a B.Ed. degree in Biology, an M.Ed. in Teacher and Higher Education from Srinakharinwirot University; and a Ph.D. in Science Education from University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. 

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Associate Professor Dr. Chalongsri Pimonsompong Lecturer of Doctor of Philosophy Program in Tourism Management, Naresuan University

Associate Professor Dr. Chalongsri Pimonsompong Lecturer of Doctor of Philosophy Program in Tourism Management, Naresuan University

Associate Professor Dr. Chalongsri is nationally recognized as a tourism education expert in Thailand.She worked with Tourism Authority of Thailand as a member of Academic Development Committee and Tour Guide Curriculum Development committee. She was the Chairperson of the Board of National Qualifications Framework Committee (Hospitality and Tourism) (TQF.1);Tourism Management Expert of The Thailand Research Fund, National Research Council of Thailand; a member of Tourism Business and GuideAct B.E. 2550 Compliance and Verification Committee; Higher Education Cooperative Education Development Committee (Hospitality and Tourism); anda Member of the Thai Qualifications Framework Development Committee. 

She graduated in B.Ed degree in French from Chulalongkorn University; MA degree in French Language and Literature from the University of Franche-Comté (UFC); and Ph.D. degree in Higher Education from Chulalongkorn University.

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Ms. Ampa Suwannasri Former Director of Bureau of Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Higher Education Commission.

Ms. Ampa Suwannasri Former Director of Bureau of Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Higher Education Commission.

Ms. Ampa used to work among the executives in Thai governmental education institutions. Her work in the past covers assessment system development; curriculum development and quality certification; distance education management for off-premise education; and accreditation of institutions forthe Office of the Higher Education Commission’samong many other roles. 


She is an advisor to President of South-east Asia University, Bangkok; and anHonorary Member of Navamindradhiraj University Council. 

 She graduated with a B.A degree in Library Science from Chiang Mai University; and an M.A. degree in Library and Information Science from Srinakharinwirot University. 

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Ms. Ampa Suwannasri Former Director of Bureau of Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Higher Education Commission.

Ms. Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi Executive Vice President at Sukosol Hotel Group

Ms. Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi  is currently the Executive Vice President at Sukosol Hotel Group and has held key leadership roles in the Thai Hotel Association, including President (2020-2022) and Honorary Advisor since 2025. She is also a Board Member of the Thai Hotel Standards Foundation and the Thai Chamber of Commerce, where her chairs the Tourism, Health, MICE, and Sports Trade Association. Additionally, she serves as Vice Chair of the High-Quality Tourism Subcommittee and Chairman of the Sustainable Tourism Subcommittee. Since 2023, she has been a Board Member of the National Soft Power Development Committee.

Ms. Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi holds a bachelor's degree from Columbia University in New York, USA.

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Ms. Ampa Suwannasri Former Director of Bureau of Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Higher Education Commission.

Mrs. Srisuda Wanapinyosak Deputy Governor for Marketing in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)

Mrs. Srisuda Wanapinyosak is currently serving as the Deputy Governor for Marketing in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). With a distinguished career at TAT, Mrs. Wanapinyosak began in 1985 as a marketing staff member and gradually advanced to significant roles, including Director of TAT’s New York office in 2009 and Deputy Governor for Asia and the Pacific in 2016. She has held various leadership positions such as Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Sports (2020-2023) and now she is Board Member of the National Sports University and a Film Video and Digital Media Committee.

Mrs. Srisuda Wanapinyosak holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Silpakorn University and a Master's degree in Advertising from Chulalongkorn University.

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Dr. Atthawet Prougestaporn Rector, Dusit Thani College

Dr. Atthawet Prougestaporn Rector, Dusit Thani College

Dr. Atthawet is an educator with 16 years of experience in education management and competency based education. He has joined Dusit Thani College since 2004 as a full time Lecturer, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Dean of Faculty of Hospitality Industry, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, a secretary of Dusit Thani College Council, and later become the committee member of the College Council in 2018. He has involved in various projects as project leaders to develop the competency standard for Thailand professionals in Tourism and Culinary with Ministry of Tourism and Sports and Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (Public Organization). He has also served in several committee and dedicated himself in the development of Thai Hospitality Education including the Association of Private higher Education Institution of Thailand, Department of Labor, and Department of Tourism. He has also developed various hospitality and culinary programs for other education institutions both Thailand and overseas.


Dr. Atthawet received a Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management with a specialization in tourist experience. He graduated in Master of Science in Applied Economics from Saint Cloud State University.

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Ms. Pichaya Noranitiphadungkarn
Director of International Affairs Office, Dusit Thani College

Ms. Pichaya Noranitiphadungkarn
Director of International Affairs Office, Dusit Thani College

Experienced in Education and Hospitality, Ms. Pichaya has been continuing her international affairs duties for Dusit Thani College for a decade. With wide range of skill sets, her positions in the past includes a Director of International Business Development Office, Dusit Thani College; Board Member: Area Consultant II – SEA; Academic Auditor, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines; and a member of Dusit Thani College – Lyceum of the Philippines University Academic Committee. She was also a Conference Chair of the APacCHRIE Conference 2016; a Panelist in IPoE Forum 2013, THE-ICE; and a Trainer in Train the Trainer for Hospitality Education, Myanmar Ministry of Hotel and Tourism. She is also recently elected to be a General Board Member of Travel and Tourism Research Association. 

 She graduated with a Master of Arts in Education in Educational Policy & Leadership from the Ohio State University; and a Bachelor of Education with second clsss honor in Advanced English from Chulalongkorn University and is currently continuing to further her hospitality insights with the Master Certification in Hospitality Leadership Program from Cornell University. 

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