On January 17, 2025, Dusit Thani College, a leading higher education specialized in the hospitality business under Dusit International, has joined hands with Ascensus Institute, a leading institution in hospitality and tourism from Singapore, to sign an academic cooperation or MoU to expand the knowledge of the hospitality business between the two countries. The signatory delegates from Dusit Thani College were the Rector Dr. Atthawet Prougestaporn and Executive Director of External Affairs Mr. John Lohr while the delegates from Ascensus Institute were Ms. Khiryati bte Kairi, Group Managing Director, and Ms. Jean Tan, Education Programme Director, who represented Mr. P. Palaniappan, Group CEO.
Despite being a small country, Singapore is one of the popular destinations for tourists around the world. Therefore, Singapore is facing the same problem as other counterparts, the shortage of workers and professionals to support the tourism and hospitality industry. Ascensus Institute, as a leading hospitality and tourism institute in Singapore, is committed to providing and developing quality courses by experts in the field of education and nurturing learners to have professional skills. However, Ascensus Institute also believes that it is still necessary to expand cooperations with other institutions to accelerate the production of personnel and keep up with the industry’s demands.
For this reason, Ascensus Institute has agreed to cooperate with Dusit Thani College regarding its recognition as one of Thailand’s leading higher education institutions specializing in hotel and hospitality business. In addition to developing academic cooperations in various dimensions, the initiative also expands educational opportunities for learners from both countries. The first collaboration is to plan and connect credit transfer opportunities between Dusit Thani College’s TOP programs, hospitality-oriented certificate programs designed for a learning duration of 2 to 9 months, and Ascensus Institute’s certificate programs. This results in student internship opportunities in both Thailand and Singapore. Other attempts are to create a joint support for Dusit Thani College’s Destination Bangkok curriculum to open an opportunity for Ascensus Institute students to transfer credits to Dusit Thani College and pursue an international Bachelor’s program in Hospitality Management at Dusit Thani College, and so on.
Dusit Thani College and Ascensus Institute hope that this committed cooperation will promote and support the development of the hospitality workforce in Singapore. This is part of helping the overall industry of the ASEAN region grow together.