Department of Tourism has recently collaborated with Dusit Thani College in organizing trainings for tourism professional assessment centers following ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (ASEAN MRA on TP) at Srinakarin Hall, Dusit Thani College Bangkok.
On this occasion, Mr. Boonserm Khankaew, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Tourism, was the chairperson to open this ceremony on behalf of the Director-General. After a welcome speech by Dr. Atthawet Prougestaporn, Rector of Dusit Thani College, the honorable instructors of the college – Asst. Prof. Dr. Wacharakorn Mayuree, Vice Rector of Research and Innovation Affairs, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Satitpong Munlum, Senior Manager – Research and Innovation Center – covered the trainings.
The training courses were arranged to transfer comprehensive knowledge on tourism professional certification to tourism professional assessment centers in order to fulfill the needs of tourism industry in the future. In addition, the activities were to prepare readiness for the centers to formulate mechanisms and procedures which are used to effectively develop tourism professionals complying to ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals under ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals.
As a specialized educational institution in hospitality and tourism business, Dusit Thani College, under an umbrella of Dusit International, was trusted by Department of Tourism to oversee the formulation of standards, criteria, and manuals for national training and assessment centers in Thailand since the initial phase. The college is also supported in many projects including these training courses.